Carsten Jessen
Associate professor, Ph.d.

Center for Playware
Technical University of Denmark & Danish School of Education, Aarhus University

Technical University of Denmark
Building 325 DK-2800 Lyngby
Phone +45 5149 1034


Research areas:
Play and play culture, digital toys and play equipment, Children and the digital Media, Computer Games, Virtuel Culture. Children's Culture and Play Culture.

Publications online:

Music-Making and Musical Comprehension with Robotic Building Blocks in: Chang, M. (red): Learning by Playing. Game-based Education System Design and Development, Springer 2009
Playtesting the Digital PlaygroundProceedings of the IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies 2009
New play culture and playware In Beth Juncker (red) Det æstetiskes betydning i børns hverdagspraksis. BIN Norden 2008
Media Pedagogy, the Learning School and Situated Learning Processes in Buhl, Sørensen & Meyer (red) Media and ICT - Learning Potentials Kbh.:Danish University of Education Press 2006
Playware - Intelligent Technology for Children's Play (2005) (pdf)
The changing Face of Children's Play Culture (2003) (pdf)
Virtual Communities as learning Environment (2001) (pdf)
Computer games and play culture - an outline of an interpretative framework (1999)
Interpretive communities
Girls, Boys and Computers in the Kindergarten (1997)
Children's computer culture (1995)
Children use TV (1991)

In german:
Jungen, Mächen und Computer im Kindergarten (1995)